Wednesday, 21 May 2014


 A secretary of a company will retire. To resume her duties, the company gives her trust to find a sucessor. She selects several people who have sumbitted aplications. Because of the huge responsibilities, then she put itegrity and honesty to be the mainrequirement for each applicant. At the final stage of the recruitment  process, she gets three candidates who exel in tests from dozens of  aplicants. The secretary feel confused and has difficulty determining one of the three candidates. He then lends them a book to read during the week. Silently at each book he slips a fifty thousand dollar. A week later the three restore the book. The first candidate does not return the money. While the second candidate lets the money slipped inside the book. While the third candidate puts into envelope and give it to the secretary. The secretary considers, the third candidate is most feasible of being her successor. The third candidate is not only smart, but also believable. That means she has a good character. 

          Integrity is conformity between words and actions that indicated by a person. In interacting with other people, we can portray ourselves as a good and honest person, full of compassion, a sense of responsibility, and so forth.  But whatever we are trying to portray, others simply will not believe it. They need something to prove it. The best evidence they can get arise from our actions. Like or not, people are not really judged words or what other people say about her. But of every action she does.

           To become are trusted person is not easy. We must have integrity, just like the three candidates above. She has integrity so that she can convince the secretary to be her successor. Trust and integrity are two things that can not be separated. If we want to be an excellent person, learn to instill integrity in ourselves, and we can start from small things first.

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