Envy is the bad attitude of the human that often lead
to disorder. “Where there is an envy and selfishness, there is disorder and
every evil practice”. Envy is a classic problem in the intercation between
humans since a long time. Envy stems from the assumption that the other person
is better, richer, more popular or more fortunate than himself.
Actually, if adressed positively, envy in a person can
be a encouragement for him to improve himself for the better. But in fact, many
people are dealing with feelings of envy with the wrong attitude. They use a
various ways to destroy others. Indeed, this attitude reflects the fact that
they are unable to compete with others. Therefore, they feel that others sould be removed, destroyed even
killed so that he is unrivaled and become number one. Many tragic events
happened oly because of envy.
It is also in our daily lives. At home, work, church
and the people we meet people who are always envious with us. Maybe we also
felt envy with others. We often assume other people are much better, more
established, and more successful in all ways, while we do not know what is
actually happening within each of us. The same assessment also arouse from others on us. If people were
jealous to do evil things against us, did not let us respond with evil, but
keep trying to give the best for them. Give encouragement for them to go ahead
in order they can succed also like us. We do not need to feel unrivaled. We
also did not need to envy and compare ourselves with other people just because
they were more successful than us. Remember that what they get now is the
harvest of what they sow in the past. Therefore, if we want to be like them,
then sow. Do like what they do, then we will reap the same success.