Tuesday, 10 June 2014


Did you ever think or assume something was a Great Work or Best Work? Something  considered the Great Work or Work Best of course may depend on one’s  judgment or perception. The author considered one of the best works among some of the works or greatest of all time is the Bible or Scripture. 

          The Bible was written in the 16th century by approximately 40 contributors from diffrent backgrounds. Nonetheless, the end result is consistent from beginning to end. The has survived beyond more controversy than any other books. The Bible is the number one selling book in the world. The Bible has been translated, in whole or in part, into more than 2000 languages. Billions of books have been printed and almost no place on this earth where the Bible not found.

          However, few people ever thought that one day the Bible will be displaced by the newly published books. Thomas Paine is one of the famous figures who once predicted that the Bible would someday be a book that is only found in museums or flea that sells used books on the street.
In 1887 he came to America. In America he written and published his works, and they are very bright and brilliant, inspiring and uplifting even as hypnotizing the American people rose up against the British to gain independence. His works are brilliant catapulting his name became famous and praised millions of people.

          Wealth, fame and accolades to be part of his life. However, when at the glory and fame, he wrote a book which is his greatest work, entitled “The Age of Reason” which contained about faith, which was published in London. He predicted that the book would destroy the Bible considered only as myth and legend. 

          But the opposite is true, the book eventually destroyed backfired name int the peak of fame. As a result of his book many people blasphemed and reviled and turn left, including his fans. When he tried to fix and restore his good name and fame earned that have been lost, many people regard him as an insane person. Result from prolonged sadness and despair that include his life, he felt sick to death of him. 

          He died in a loneliness and solitude without friends or fame. Bible prophecy was not proved, otherwise the Bible became a best seller in the world, only the Great Work and the work of all time unbeatable.

If learned, the Bible come in four forms, namely :
1. Prophecy. Matters relating to the future.
2. Poetry. The Word of God written in a distinctive manner that was by the beutiful language, full of symbols and very deep full meaning.
3. History. History of Israelit kingdom and Judah.
4. Biography. The life story of biblical characters like Abraham, Moses, David and others.

When viewed from amounts of writings consisted of :
66 blooks at 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books.
1.189 chapters and 31.169 verses namely, 929 Old Testament chapter and 260 chapters and 9567 verses New Testament.
The longest contents of book, Psalms (150 chapters).
The shortest concise contents of book, Obadiah (1 chapter).
The longest verses, Psalms 119 (176 verses).
Chapter with the shortest verses, Psalms 117 (2 verses).

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