Saturday, 7 June 2014


If  you were starnded on an uninhabited island and you could only bring three things, when being asked what items do you want to take? A question that have never been imagined. Answer from each person can vary. Those Choose the objects relating to their safety (tent, knife, comunication device). Others may choose the objects related to hobby or comfort (books, musical instruments, TV). The  question may be said to be not serious question. But just for imagining space fun. But from the answer we give, will be reflect or see things what we like, what we prioritize and what make us feel safe and comfortable.

          Indeed, things like that too often happens in marriage. Marriage is not an uninhabited island, but marriage is like a long journey. However, in the journey, we cannot take all things. Either wife or husband cannot carry all their stuffs. As a whole, the husband and wife may only take one suitcase for mutual use. What is the content the suitcase? Its contents are expectations. Before marriage, the husband and wife has a lot of hope for the marriage. But that hope can often differ from each other.  Example, a wife may expect spending time together every evening in a relaxed  and romantic atmosphere. While the husband can hope to go every evening with his wife folowing the activities with community. Those simple things can lead to disappointment.

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