Sunday, 15 June 2014


 Basically comfort zone has always been a killer of life. Those who are in this area, will be trapped in the routine, comfortable, free life pattern and away from the life challenges. When all happen, then do not be surprised if in the end we will arrive at death. Death means that our life will slowly growing again we even  eventually collapsed and died or no more growth.

          Perhaps, at one time ago, the Eagles and Turkey are two good friends of birds. Wherever they are, the two friends always go together.  Again it is not a strange sight for people to see the Eagle and the Turkey flying freely through the air. One day when they fly, Turkey talks to the Eagles “let’s go down and looks for food. My stomach is hungry”. Then they both go down and see several other animals are eating and decide to join with them. They land close to a cow that is eating corn, but when noticing that the Eagle and the Turkey are standing close to him, the Cow says, “Welcome, please taste this  corn”.

          The both birds are surprised they are not used to see if there are other animals share food with them easily. Why do you share your corn with us? “The cow replies, “Oh, we have plenty of food here. Mr. Farmer gives us whatever we want”.
“You mean, Mr. Farmer gives you all you want to eat? That,s right. In fact we were also given a dwelling”. Eagle and the Turkey surprise. Th

          When the time came to leave that place, Turkey and Eagle discuss again about the situation. Turkey said, “Maybe we should stay here. Because we can get all the food we want without working again. Hawk replied, It is difficult to believe that one can get something without trying. I prefer flying high, working and facing challenges in order to stay alive. Eventually they split, Turkey decides to stay there, while Eagle go. 

          Everything go well for the turkey. He eat all things he want without working.  Gradually he become fat and lazy. But one day he hear the farmer,s wife say that the Thanks Giving Day will be arriving in a few days and it would be delicious if there is a dish or a roast turkey dinner. Hearing this, the Turkey decides it is time to get away from that place and rejoin with his good friend, Mr. Eagle who had gone before. But when trying to fly, he could only flutter his wings because he is too fat. Finally on Thank Giving, the farmer,s family sit together and eat savory huge turkey roast.
What,s wrong with the turkey? Clearly he has enjoyed the comfort zone, so he cannot longer go back to old habit. No longer have the ability to develop his identity. Whyle the Eagles makes a wise decision not want to be trapped in a comfort zone. 

From the above story we can all reap the value of truth.

First, do not ever change your identity in order to get comfort. What we have to do is to keep working in accordance with our responsibilites and identity, we will found the evolved life, which in turn brings us self-meaningfulness.

Second, do not be tempted by a convenience life, because it would weaken the struggle power within ourselves for achievement. When someone is easily tempted by the convenience life, even got it free, then it will the power of creativity in our live.

Third, stay away from laziness if you want a life that continues to develop progressively and achieve independence. One of the laws of life that we need to cultivate is not to live in leziness, it will kill and shut down our lives. We have to stay away from laziness in order that our lives will find the best stuff.

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